Thursday, November 8, 2012

Fran Goes Big Time!!!

Awhile back Fran Aertker Barbato sent me an email about a book she's written...    maybe you know someone for whom it would make a great Christmas gift!!

(And when I finish reading the book Gregg Overman wrote, I'm gonna send you a blog about it, too!  I can already tell you that he has a vivid imagination!  And a a real science bent!  If you want to check it out look on for "Blue Sunrise.")

From Fran...
My book is about to be published....should come out before Christmas (around mid-Nov). It is called:

Granny Frannie Fun--Do you want to spend time or a fortune on your grandchildren?

Why did I write the book? Here is part of the introduction.

Dear Grandparents!

While enjoying your role as a grandparent, your little one will soon crawl , talk, and walk. Before you know it, your grandchild will be at your back door with a suitcase in hand. Now, what are you going to do for four days together?

That’s why I wrote this book! 

As grandparents we have the unique opportunity to teach our grandchildren in ways that parents may not have the time. I was inspired to invest more time into my grandchildren by a verse from the Bible, Psalm 145: “One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts.”

As a lifelong educator, teaching was my natural instinct when having the opportunity to spend a week with my 3-year old grandsons. (This was to give their parents a “real” vacation.) I began thinking of the fun activities we would do at Frannie’s Camp. Keeping their developmental levels in mind, my journey began. As the children grew and siblings came along, the ideas grew as well. 

I soon realized my friends, who were becoming grandparents, were also looking for meaningful things to do with their grandchildren. So, this book is an assortment of fun activities that I’ve personally tested while teaching school or teaching my own grandchildren.  Activities are divided into educational sections with age recommendations*.

Sheila, I will let you know when the book comes out. It will be at Barnes and Noble, Books A Million and Amazon.  Just letting you know I am not sitting and eating bonbons since retirement! 

Have not found the book on the internet yet, but will let you know when it's out! Sure enjoyed seeing you all at the reunion!



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