Sunday, February 12, 2012


For those of you on FaceBook, you already know that Albert Lanius found our Principal...   Fr Hugh Biggar, now Dr. Biggar, having earned a Doctorate in Education after leaving Louisiana.  He's living in Florida with his wife, Shirely, and gave me this update:

"I did love my job [at Menard} and the wonderful kids I had to work with.  My wife, Shirley was a widow with two children, so I got a ready-made family.  Our son is an officer in a local police force, and our daughter is a medical assistant to a physician locally, so our family has stayed close. They have given us four grandsons and one granddaughter.  The oldest grandson is president of the honor society, on the president's list, and he works a 40 hour a week job for a subsidiary of Century Link.  The rest are obviously younger and have yet to meet any major challenges.  You might see the humor in the fact that my wife's name was Greco." 

Debbie Jones McBride remembers enjoying coffee with Fr. Biggar and L'Anne Methvin Sciba while they were supposed to be in Home Ec sewing!   And Michael Conolly says,  "My dad once told him, "Father Biggar, I'm in your office more than you are.""

Would love to hear your memories! 


  1. Oh, I do have many happy memories of skipping Algebra classes to visit with Fr. Biggar. our God does have a sense of humor since I became a math teacher for 30 years and served as a principal for 13 of those years. Children often commented how I "knew" what they were doing and thinking! It helps to have walked in those rebellious shoes! Fran Aertker Barbato

  2. this is great. thanks, big al for locating him. Dr. Biggar apparently has a sense of humor, as he relays his wifes name was Greco. that since of humor will come in handy if he mixes it up with this bunch of yahoos.
